They’ll Be Tickled with these 12 Adorable Baby Shower Gifts

The anticipated arrival of a newborn baby is one of the most exciting and anxious times for parents. They wonder if they have everything they need, if the home is set up correctly and how they will manage sleep for the next 18 years! Baby showers are the perfect time for family and friends to come together in support of the new parents, to not only ‘shower’ them with gifts but with love and strength, also.

  1. Baby Brezza Formula Pro. It’s like a coffee maker but for babies, sans the coffee of course! This machine will sit neatly on their counter at the ready to automatically mix formula with water for the perfect consistency. They can customize the number of ounces they need (as the baby grows it will change) and there’s even a Wi-Fi option to make formula with just a click of a button on their phone.
  2. Foodie Swaddle. How many times do new parents hear the phrase, “Oooh, I could just eat them up!” This adorable Foodie swaddle is for folks who love food and want to wrap their baby tight and comfortable as a burrito. The muslin swaddle is available in pizza, taco, sushi and avocado patterns.
  3. Night Light Baby Car Mirror. Since newborns are situated rear facing in the car to help prevent harm and injury, it can create anxiety in parents when they aren’t able to see them. The Night Light Baby Car Mirror takes care of this problem. Equipped with a soft light so as not to disturb baby when they are sleeping, this mirror comes with a remote and allows parents to view their backward little bundle of joy whenever they choose, for connection and peace of mind.
  4. Visa Gift Card. What’s the second most common thing to happen at a baby shower, behind guessing the birth weight? Duplicating gifts, yes that’s right. How often do you go to a shower and cousin Jane gives the same exact present you do? With a Visa Gift Card, you won’t have to worry about creating more stress (with returns!) for the parents. Choose your favorite photo for the front along with congratulatory words. They’ll breathe a sigh of relief knowing they can now choose whatever they need.
  5. Portable Sound Machine. Sound is so important to babies, after all, 9 months in the womb allowed only an audible connection with the outside world, not a visual one. This sound machine includes four relaxing sounds including a lullaby, white noise, ocean, and heartbeat. It hooks right onto play yards, strollers and cribs and has an auto shut off timer.
  6. Cloud Activity Center. Designed for babies 4 months old and up, this activity center will see babies through 3 developmental stages. There are 25 activities to encourage motor skill growth; it has 4 moveable toys and even a light-up musical piano. The foot support platform ensures that you can adjust it perfectly to the baby’s height.
  7. Owlet Dream Sock. When a baby monitor just won’t do, the owlet dream sock swoops in to save the day. This sock wraps comfortably around the baby’s foot and tracks the number of sleep quality and health indicators including average oxygen level, heart rate, movements, and a number of wakings. Eliminates the guesswork from baby’s sleep time, it’s meant to help everyone in the household breathe and sleep a little more comfortably.
  8. Eddie Bauer Cascade Back Pack Diaper Bag. The diaper bag has evolved over the past few decades to become less of an obvious stand-out and more a part of regular fashion. This comfortable to-carry backpack is no exception. It can hold everything mom or dad needs for a day or night away including 12 pockets and one large interior compartment.
  9. Memory Book. Children grow up so quickly and even though it can be a chaotic time, it’s always best to capture those moments before they’re gone forever. The Beautiful Baby Memory Book for Modern Families is a gorgeous keepsake/scrapbook for watching babies’ growth through their first five years.
  10. Baby Arrival Gift Set. What’s not to love about a gift set? This one includes all types of items that mom might not have even realized she needed until she got them. Lavender scented face and body lotion and shampoo, hand sanitizer spray, size 1 diapers, diaper rash cream, organic all-purpose balm, and baby wipes made by Honest come in a charming wooden box.

Don’t fret when it comes to figuring out what you’ll bring to your friend’s baby shower! Babies need so many things; you can’t go wrong with any of the items above which are sure to be cherished.