Do you love the NBA? If so, which team do you root for? There are all sorts of fans in the NBA fanbase and each one has their own unique reasons for supporting their favourite team. In this blog post, we will discuss the different types of fans that you can find in the world of professional basketball. Which type of fan are you?
The Bandwagon Fan
This is the fan that only starts paying attention to a team when they start winning. They don’t really have any strong feelings towards any particular team, they just like to jump on the bandwagon of whoever is doing well at the moment. Bandwagon fans are often seen as fair-weather fans by diehard supporters of other teams.
When they visit a store that offers NBA merchandise in Australia, they just buy what others are buying (probably the worst case of bandwagon fans).
The Diehard Fan
This is the type of fan that sticks with their team through thick and thin. No matter how badly their team is doing, they will never give up on them. Diehard fans are often seen as the most loyal and passionate supporters in the NBA and perhaps any league or sport.
The Casual Fan
This is the fan that doesn’t really have a strong allegiance to any one team. They watch the NBA because they enjoy the sport, but they don’t necessarily have a favourite team that they’re steadily rooting for. Casual fans are often seen as more objective than other types of fans.
The Fair-Weather Fan
This is the fan that only pays attention to the NBA when their favourite team is doing well. As soon as their team starts losing, they just stop watching. Fair-weather fans are often seen as less dedicated than other types of fans.
The NBA Encyclopaedia
This is the fan that knows everything there is to know about the NBA. They can tell you the stats of every player and they can give you a detailed history of every team. NBA encyclopaedias are often seen as the most knowledgeable fans in the NBA.
The All-Star Fan
This is the fan that only watches the NBA because of the All-Star game. They have no interest in the regular season, but they tune in for the All-Star game every year. Naturally, All-Star fans are often seen as less dedicated than other types of fans.
The Championship-Only Fan
This is the fan that only pays attention to the NBA during the playoffs. They don’t watch any regular season games, but they make sure to catch every minute of the playoffs. It follows that Championship-only fans are also seen as less dedicated than other types.
So, which type of fan are you? Do you know any other types of NBA fans? Let us know in the comments!
Do you love the NBA? If so, which team do you root for? There are all sorts of fans in the NBA fanbase, and each one has their own unique reasons for supporting their favourite team.
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