How To Find The Best Investments

If you’re looking to get into the stock market, doing proper research before buying into a company is crucial to making sound investments and making money. Many people like to trust their hard-earned money to financial experts, while others prefer to do market research themselves.

We recommend doing a bit of both methods, that way you’ll always have a safe investment in case your own investment decisions end up not working out. It’s best to set aside the majority of your portfolio for financial experts, as your money will steadily grow for you with less risk.

For your own research however, we’ve compiled a list of a few things that will help you find the best investments to make.

Crunchbase Advanced Search

A great tool to use when searching for companies to invest in is Crunchbase’s advanced search tool. Using this, you can find private and publicly traded companies based on a variety of attributes. You can filter your search based on keywords, company location, industry, among others.

After clicking on a company you’re interested in, you will be brought to their company profile page. These pages contain the basic information regarding the company and links to further links such as contacts to decision makers within the company.


A good news source that focuses primarily on the stock market and the business world is CNBC. Their site contains a wide variety of articles on the U.S stock market, global markets, business, tech, investing, and some politics. All of the topics they cover loop back to how it could affect the stock market.

CNBC is the world’s leader when it comes to providing financial news and information, as 355 million people view their content every month to get the latest news and events regarding the stock market and economy.

Online Brokerage Research

A pretty sound way of conducting market research is to simply do it through the broker you use. For example, TD Ameritrade offers third-party research links from their site, and tools and platforms that you can use on their site.

Many online brokerages offer market research tools and we recommend using them if you don’t want to pay the monthly subscription fee Crunchbase requires. 

Google Trends

Google Trends is a powerful tool when used correctly, and it can help show a general trend for various products and companies out there. You can see how popular a certain search term is over a given period of time, and you can even specify the location that you want to see searches from.

Wrapping Up

Doing your own market research should take a considerable amount of time and due diligence, as you’ll be spending your hard earned money, with the possibility of the investment turning sour.

We recommend trusting the bulk of your portfolio with financial experts, while keeping a small amount to conduct your own investments with. We recommend using Crunchbase’s advanced search feature to find the best companies to invest in, and CNBC to get the latest information regarding the general market.

Also Read About: How to track progress in currency trading?

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